Tuesday, September 13: Back-of-the-House Tour: Mollusk Collection at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

Tour the mollusk collection at the santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Photo by Jllm06 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Field Trip with Dr. Daniel Geiger
Tuesday, September 13, 2:00 to 4:00 PM
Participation is limited to 15 SYVNHS members.
Registration opens at 9:00 AM on Thursday, September 1 at syvnhs@syvnature.org or call 805/693-5683.
Members $10 / Children over ten $5
Mask requirement will be based on the museum’s current policy.
Directions will be sent to registered participants.
Museum collections are critical sources of material for research, public education, exhibits, advances in curation methods, and more. In this behind the scenes “back of the house” tour, Dr. Daniel Geiger will lead us through the Invertebrate Zoology Collection that he works with at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. We will view the fascinating variety and range of sizes of mollusks in the collection from macro to minute.

Dr. Daniel Geiger, Curator of Malacology at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Photo by Chuck Place.
A specialist in marine snails and limpets, Dr. Daniel L. Geiger is a globally-recognized authority on abalone, minute marine snails, and the orchid genus Oberonia. He earned his PhD from the University of Southern California, and held a W.M. Keck postdoctoral fellowship in molecular systematics at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles and teaching appointments at USC. Dr Geiger joined SBMNH in 2005. He is also a Visiting Research Scholar with the Huntington Botanical Garden, San Marino, California.