Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society

Dedicated to the study, exploration and appreciation of natural history in the Santa Ynez Valley region.

Thursday, March 17: Birding at Las Cruzitas Ranch

Yellow-billed magpie at Las Cruzitas Ranch. Photo by Cruz Phillips.

Field Trip with Cruz Phillips

Thursday, March 17, 9 a.m. to noon

Participation is limited to 15; the limit will be increased to 20 pending up-to-date covid protocols. Advance registration opens at 9:00 a.m. for Members on March 3 and on March 10 for Nonmembers at or 805/ 693-5683.

Members $10 / Nonmembers $25 / Children $5

Masks are optional for those who have been vaccinated (subject to change).

Black-headed grosbeak, male. Photo by Cruz Phillips.
Black-headed grosbeak, male. Photo by Cruz Phillips.

This trip will introduce the rich bird life at Las Cruzitas, a 1500-acre ranch on the north side of Lake Cachuma. Our outing will entail easy strolling to view birds in the wild and around feeders. This can be a fulfilling trip for those with limited mobility, as there are multiple easy access bird feeders and great diversity and numbers at the feeders. Individuals or a small group are welcome to stay at the feeders. This will be a great opportunity for both novice and experienced birders to see our valley’s spring avifauna. The ranch also has occasional fly-overs from nearby Cachuma Lake, including bald and golden eagles.

Bring binoculars and cameras and expect to see over 40 species of birds.  You can bring a sack lunch and stay longer to eat in the yard near the feeders.

Cruz Phillips is a life-long birder and third-generation valley resident. She has led many field trips over the years for Audubon and other organizations.

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