Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society

Dedicated to the study, exploration and appreciation of natural history in the Santa Ynez Valley region.

Sunday, May 31: Spider Identification in the Field

Adult male wolf spider. Photo credit R. J. Adams.Field trip with R.J. Adams

Sunday, May 31, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Advance registration required at or 693-5683.
Participation is limited to 20
Members free / nonmembers $20

Join author and naturalist R.J. Adams for a morning walk to look for and identify spiders at a valley location to be announced.
R.J. Adams is a special education teacher and wildlife tour guide in Monterey, California. He has a BS in biology from Humboldt State University, California and an MS in biology emphasizing entomology and host-parasite coevolution from the University of Utah. His current projects include an inventory of the spiders of Pinnacles National Park and the early-stage research on the terrestrial and freshwater mollusks of California.

Adult male wolf spider. Photo credit R. J. Adams.

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