Saturday, January 6, 2018: Visit to the Pismo Monarch Butterfly Grove
Field Trip with Marion Schlinger
Saturday, January 6, 2018: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm
Participation is limited to 25
Advance registration begins December 6 at or 805/ 693-5683
Members free/ non-members $20
Featured photo of mating Monarch Butterflies by Marion Schlinger.

An aggregation of Monarchs in the Pismo Beach grove. Photo courtesy of Pismo Beach Conference & Visitors Bureau
Join entomologist Marion Schlinger to visit the Pismo Monarch Butterfly Grove to see the thousands of overwintering monarch butter- flies that roost in the branches of stately eucalyptus trees at Pismo State Beach. The field trip follows her previous lecture in December. This monarch site has averaged 25,000 butterflies over the past few years and is considered to be the largest overwintering colony on the California coast. Marion will address their behavior, general biology, requirements of an overwinter site, and natural and man-made threats affecting the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). The field trip is timed at the peak of the assemblage of monarchs, which start gathering here in October and start dispersing in February.
The area has easy walking access and the trip will go rain or shine, unless there is a bad storm. Dress in
layers and rain gear, weather depending, and bring binoculars, snacks or a lunch, and water.