Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society

Dedicated to the study, exploration and appreciation of natural history in the Santa Ynez Valley region.

Saturday, December 5: Winter Birds of the Santa Ynez Valley

Field Trip with Guy Tingos at UC Sedgwick Reserve.

Saturday, December 5, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Advance registration required at or 693-5683.

Participation is limited to 15. Members free/nonmembers $20.

Join naturalist and birder Guy Tingos on an exploration of UC Sedgwick Reserve’s bird life. December is an excellent time to view the diversity of bird species that winter here. An easy hike on some roads and trails will take us to an assortment of habitats including a fresh water pond, grassland, and oak savannah. Binoculars are a must.

Guy has been birding in Santa Barbara County for 35 years and has led field trips for the Audubon Society, the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, and SYVNHS.

Photo:  White-Breasted Nuthatch, by Lynn Watson

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