Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society

Dedicated to the study, exploration and appreciation of natural history in the Santa Ynez Valley region.

Saturday, April 22, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Quiota Creek Birds and Wildflowers

Field trip with Tim Matthews.

Saturday, April 22, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Participation is limited to 20.
Advance registration required at or 805 693-5683.
Members free/nonmembers $20.

Join Tim Matthews for a springtime field trip to Quiota Creek on the private Mitchell Ranch. Late April to early May is a great time to observe migrating passerines, who congregate along this rare source of running water at the base of the Santa Ynez Mountains’ north side. Various warbler species, Lazuli Buntings and Blue Grosbeaks are just a few of the birds we may hear and see. Impressive numbers of native wildflowers and shrubs also bloom on the hillsides and along the cool riparian corridor when there are sufficient winter rains.
Bring binoculars, sun protection, lunch and water, dress in layers and wear good sturdy shoes, such as hiking boots. Trip hiking poles are recommended as some sections of the trail may be moderately steep or rocky.
Tim Matthews is the Scientific Aide for California Department of Fish and Wildlife at Burton Mesa Ecological Reserve and has led many field trips for local organizations over the years.

Quiota Creek area. Photo: John Evarts

Featured photo: Lazuli Bunting singing. Photo: Bill Chen

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