Saturday, May 11: Burton Mesa ~ Maritime Chaparral and Birding Exploration

Vandenberg monkeyflower (Diplacus vandenbergensis) is a tiny endemic annual herb that has federal Endangered status. Photo by Dieter Wilkin/USFWS. CC BY 2.0 Deed.
Field Trip with Tim Matthews
Saturday, May 11, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Participation limited to 20.
Registration opens at 9 a.m. on April 13 for members and on April 23 for nonmembers at or 805/ 693-5683.
Members $10 / Nonmembers $25 / Children $5
Directions to Burton Mesa will be sent to registrants.
Burton Mesa Ecological Reserve is a unique area that consists of 5,368 acres between Purisima Hills and Santa Ynez Mountains and encompasses one of the last significant stands of maritime chaparral in California. The Central Maritime Chaparral community is dominated by ceanothus, manzanita, chamise, California coffee berry, black sage, coast live oak, and coastal scrub species. Typical birds include Anna’s hummingbird, Nuttall’s woodpecker, acorn woodpecker, wrentit, California thrasher, blue-gray gnatcatcher, warbler species, and others. Sightings at the pond can include Canada goose, ruddy duck, widgeon and other ducks, sora, and marsh wren, among others. Badgers, bobcats, deer, mountain lions, packrats, and snakes may also be observed. The property is owned by the State Lands Commission and leased to CDFW for management, operation, and maintenance. It became an ecological reserve in 2004, which granted special protection to the rare, threatened, and endangered plant species.

The designated Rare Blochman’s larkspur (Delphinium parryi ssp. blochmaniae). Photo by Tim Matthews.
This walk is mostly flat and fairly easy, though sandy in places. There are no facilities at the trailhead.
Tim Matthews is an avid naturalist, sportsman, and conservationist who has led trips for Audubon, U.S. Forest Service, and the Society.